If you want to experience a STRONG COCA TEA effect, then keep reading, because we will explain step-by-step how to brew and chew coca leaves like a champion.
Strong Coca Tea Recipe
What you need to do:
10 grams of coca tea powder (or 5 coca tea bags)
1/3 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
3 cups of spring water and homemade teabag using a coffee filter stapled shut or using regular coca tea bags
Heat up the water in a medium pot, let it get hot but not boiling
Place a lid on the pot and set the heat to low so it simmers the coca leaf tea
Leave it to simmer for 1 hour
Ready To Sip
After 1 hour, you can remove the pot from the stove. Make the strong coca tea cool down for 10 minutes. Bi carb soda will make the tea taste slightly salty.
To make it taste better, simply add some mint leaves or lemon.
As I sip (ALWAYS SIP, never skull) this strong coca tea, my mouth and tongue is GETTING NUMB like that dentist feeling.
I feel great, energetic, happy, ready to take on the world! When I make strong coca tea like this, it compares really well with the AeroPress method.
Share your experiences and coca tea reviews in the comments section to let us know how you make a strong cup of coca leaf tea.
Strong Coca Tea Chewing Method
1) Take 15 grams of coca tea powder and place in a small cup.
2) Mix in just enough hot water to turn the powder into a wet paste, stir and allow the wet mixture to cool for 3-4 minutes.
3) Take a heaped teaspoon of strong coca tea paste in your mouth and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to activate the coca mixture.
4) Hold the mixture under your tongue or on either side of the cheek. DO NOT swallow and let it swirl for the next 25-30 minutes, you can add another small pinch of bi carb soda.
5) After 25-30 minutes, you can swallow some of the saliva with the coca leaf tea powder or spit some out when you can’t hold it any longer or when you have had enough of the energy buzz.
Try 3 or 4 swirls of coca tea mixture in a row (20 minutes between each swirl), This is the STRONGEST way to consume coca tea powder for a huge blast of energy.
The more you do this CONSECUTIVELY, the STRONGER the effects are.
One word of caution, your mouth will become dry over time, so you may want to drink some water in between. I personally prefer to swallow the mixture after 30-35 minutes while leaving my mouth with just enough saliva for the next teaspoon of coca paste and a pinch of bi carb.
Coca leaf tea needs to be respected.
Don’t Chew Before Bed
Be aware that this method of chewing coca tea powder DOES keep you awake. It also completely stops your appetite.
You may be very restless in bed, tossing and turning for 1-2 hours before falling asleep. I would not call this insomnia, but it will keep you up. Strong coca tea does that.
It is probably the MOST FUN WAY to consume coca leaves. The following day, I personally don’t have any coca cravings and don’t feel sick.
You may feel tired if you did not get enough sleep.
With coca tea chewing, it’s easy to feel when you’ve had enough. Coca leaf tea can’t be abused.
I tend to enjoy this strong coca tea chewing method when I need to work outside, work on the computer or when I need that EXTRA ENERGY BOOST during the day.
Stop chewing coca leaf tea 4-5 hours before sleep and have a good meal.
By the time you need to go to sleep, you will sleep like a baby. Strong coca tea method is the best way too enjoy coca de mate.
To your health and success,
That coca tea chewing method looks like what I need to try. Making it wet would work great to get the coca powder ready. Thanks mate. Dan from Australia.
Strong coca rivals the purified version of coca… if you know what I mean. It’s pretty potent stuff. Keeps me up for 3-4 hours with energetic speedy buzz.
Wowww just tried this method tonight (chewing coca powder) and holy molly!! I was buzzing like a bee! So much energy and euphoria!
Hi Kevin,
Glad to hear it! It does make you feel great!
I tried the coca tea chewing method. It ends up all over you, it’s rather disgusting and although it feels nice, the effect is one of real inner dryness. After testing numerous methods, the best way is to slowly sip on a nice strong fresh cup of tea.
I prefer to drink the tea and just relax with a medium dose.
Be aware, the stronger the tea, the more uncomfortable you feel after the effects wear off.
One word of warning, mixing with alcohol has a terrible hangover, AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
Hi Coca Fan,
I started off with drinking coca tea with AeroPress, but then felt it still lacked that energy kick, so for me, chewing coca with bi carb works the best.
You do have to perfect it to make sure you don’t get messy but as long as you don’t take more than 1 heaped teaspoon at a time, you are fine.
Chewing coca tea is a more potent way to consume it.
I recommend to chew 1-2 hours at a time, anymore and you will really feel the coca potency as it’s cumulative. If you chew for more than two hours and re-dose every 30 minutes, you will be buzzed and wired for the next 3 hours, even if you stop chewing.
In regards to alcohol consumption and coca, I have mixed it with beer drinking and wine as well as moderate amount of spirits prior and for me it’s fine. The main thing is not to drink too much, coca cancels out the alcoholic intoxication so you feel more alert. However, alcohol will still impact you if you go overboard with it. I have also made coca wine and as long as I don’t drink too much, it feels like the most euphoric stimulating drink I’ve ever had without nasty side effects. But each to their own and I am not a big drinker, ie I don’t have hang overs the next day because i know when to stop drinking.
Yes I agree with Alex I like to chew coca when I wake up and again after I eat. Sometimes at night I like to have a glass of organic wine and after chew some coca and it feels amazing. No hang over the next day because I only drink about 1 glass.
Alex is right. I love having 3 or 4 beers and then chewing coca tea. It’s a nice buzz, I feel relaxed, yet alert and talkative. If I stop drinking then, I am golden the next day.
coca when combined with alcohol becomes a different chemical all together called cocaethylene and it’s not really that good for you, It’s not recommended to mix these substances.
Hi exaussie,
That is true when you talk about cocaine (the drug) specifically.
Coca tea itself has been known to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol when consumed prior, during or after alcohol consumption.
People of Peru and Bolivia have regularly consumed coca wine, coca beer and coca spirits for a long time and have not reported any ill effects.
As always, we do not encourage anyone to drink alcohol and abuse coca tea, but this is what has been shown in the past.
I’ve personally tried coca wine on many occasions and if I did not abuse alcohol in general during this process, I felt completely fine during and the day after.
Hello, I appreciate all your comments.
Can someone describe how to make coca wine? I’m curious.
Hi Eric,
Have a read of this article:
Kind regards,
PS you need coca tea bags…much easier to make coca wine or coca rum.
Thanks for the guide on how to make coca tea even more potent and stronger.
Only use full alkaloid coca! 🙂 3X tea powder is my fave.
Cheers team,
Hi Alex (and fellow coca-enthusiasts).
I’m a complete noob (albeit a very enthusiastic one, as implied above), and in my haste to test out my first order, I somehow missed Alex’s clearly explained coca/bi-carb consumption method recommendation. I did however enjoy sipping on something other than caffeinated beverages, and found the taste similar to green tea, though much more pleasant, and most-crucially, the ‘jittery’ feeling I get from drinking green tea was entirely absent.
I am therefore a new fan of coca tea and will be placing my next order today. On that note, Alex is EXTREMELY pleasant to engage with. He took the time to answer any and all questions, and as promised, my order arrived discretely and promptly. Highly recommended to all of you out there curious to explore the health benefits of coca-tea powder/leaves.
Many thanks Alex.
Will (from Australia).
Hi Will,
Appreciate your feedback, thanks!
Hope you enjoy coca tea for many years to come.
Thanks for your coca tea blog. I got through Nepal mountain sickness with coca tea powder chewing. Cheers mate!
Thanks Christian, much appreciated.
After years visiting the Quechua peoples in Peru and drinking and chewing leaves daily. Ive learned a lot and everything on this thread is good information. Expirencing how it helped me at higher elevations, theres more benefits than just the stimulating qualities. Headaches are very common in higher elevations and coca leaves completely eliminate this while giving you a little extra energy to push on at high elevation. The Quechua use it to curb appetites and have more energy when they are working. The coca tea and leaves are often found in the lobby’s of almost all hotels to help guests with the elevation. Its the Lipton tea of Peru. I recently moved to the high desert in New Mexico, over 7000 feet in elevation and was experiencing headaches and fatigue. This led me to ordering Coco to help me acclimate to these elevations. i also offer it to guests visiting that aren’t use to high elevations. Especially the first day or 2 as they acclimate
My favorite way of chewing the powder is to make pouches out of coffee filters. Cut coffee filters about 1“ x 2“ wide. Fold the 2” in halve which creates a pouch. Preparing the coca powder is trickier. I find less baking soda is better, just enough to activate the Alkaloid. Then I put enough powder in pouch and fold the top and ends and creating a pouch. I pop it in my mouth leaving it in my cheek by my gums. It discovers very slowly. Its absorbed thru the surface blood vessels under your tongue. This is called sublingual. The pouch keeps the powder in one place. I don’t end up with a green tongue and teeth or powder grit between my teeth.
Unlike an caffeine, coca is much more pleasant as a stimulant.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for sharing.
I simply take 1 heaped teaspoon of coca tea powder and place it under my tongue.
5 minutes later I add 200 mg of bi carb soda (food grade) and mix it altogether.
Works for me and I swallow the first 5 grams once the coca leaves are spent (40 mins) and anything after I spit it out after 40 minutes because I find it’s overstimulating if you keep swallowing more than 5 grams per session.
is coca tea or chewing coca tea detectable from a police random drug test while driving if so how long does it take to leave the system ? and can you add honey to the tea ? i am waiting for my first delivery of the tea bags, I have not yet tried it.
Hi Charles,
Please see our COCA TEA FAQ page.
There is no blood test to detect coca tea, it will only show in the urine analysis test.
Best regards,
Hello everyone
Dumb question. For the coca tea, do inadd the sodium at boiling or after when cooling off heat?
Hi Christina,
No need to add bi carb soda to coca tea bags for brewing tea.
But you need bi carb soda for chewing coca leaf powder.
I gotta be honest, chewing coca tea powder with bi carb soda 1 hour straight made feel so good and so focused. I loved every minute of it.
It is much stronger than coffee and feels a lot cleaner.