SkinnyMe Tea or Skinny Me Tea has become a sensationalized brand and synonymous with weight loss. And it is very easy to see why.
For many people, weight loss and SkinnyMe Tea plays a crucial role in feeling good about themselves through losing weight and feeling great. That means setting personal and ambitious goals for improving their core health, often including losing the actual excess body weight.
Even though diets never work properly to help a person lose weight and keep it off for good, there are some actual, natural supplements that can help people lose weight, naturally.
SkinnyMe Tea may somewhat help people lose weight at a slow pace but what if I told you that there is an actual herbal tea that can speed up your wright loss, make you feel euphoric and full of energy while at the same time burning fat like a hot knife cuts through butter?
One natural herbal tea touted as an “all-natural” tool for proven weight loss, increased energy, improved mood and mental sharpness is coca tea powder. Coca tea powder is brewed into a tea or chewed with sodium bicarbonate (bi carb soda).
This ancient herbal tea is easily available across South America, sold in cafes and supermarkets. You can also find coca tea online for purchase in the USA, the UK, Europe and Australia.
Drinking or chewing coca tea powder promotes effective weight loss, boosts energy, enhances the immune system, stops headaches and migraines, stops altitude sickness, and reduces diabetes risk.
As you can tell, coca tea powder is much more effective than the Skinny Me Tea.
What is Coca Tea?
Coca tea is a natural product made from raw, dried leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylum coca var. coca). The use of coca tea results in the loss of appetite and reduced consumption of food.
The natural alkaloids found in coca leaves have the ability to activate weight loss. These compounds increase lipolysis (breakdown of fatty acids in the body to use for energy).
The consumption of coca tea powder suppresses appetite and reduces the amount of food is taken. This directly promotes weight loss. When people are enjoying this ancient tea on a regular basis, it increases the body’s natural ability to burn fat and leads to losing weight.
Coca leaves are highly beneficial for treating type 2 diabetes. Coca tea contains a high amount of valuable nutrients. These are: vitamin A, calcium, iron, B vitamins and riboflavin. These help managing diabetes and its associated health conditions. Similar to Skinny Me Tea, coca tea powder boosts metabolism and combats the risk of diabetes.
Coca tea comes from the coca plant, some people automatically make certain assumptions about it and it’s effects. However, for many who have tried coca tea have noted its initial sweet taste, then followed by a slight bitter aftertaste with a slight numbing or tingling of the mouth, gums and tongue.
SkinnyMe Tea offers limited health benefits, mainly to help the user lose weight.
Coca Tea Compared to Green Tea
Some people like to compare coca tea to the Japanese green tea, Sencha. A fresh cup of coca tea has a yellow colour, pleasant smell and a warming feeling when drunk. It does remind you of green tea. When it comes to flavour, both coca and green tea have a grassy taste profile. This is due to the rich amount of chlorophyll, minerals and vitamins present in the leaves.
When looking at the overall health benefits, green tea is well known as a healthy tea rich in polyphenol antioxidants, including a catechin called EGCG. it helps with weight loss and maintaining good health.
However, coca tea has its own set of unique health benefits, antioxidants, as well as minerals and vitamins. It greatly helps with digesting food, elevates mood, cures headaches and migraines, promotes wellbeing and is excellent for weight loss.
Both coca and green tea are beneficial for losing weight and maintaining optimal health.
What is The SkinnyMe Tea?
Skinny Me Tea is a brand of herbal teas that are meant to help with losing weight through a laxative effect. This herbal tea also contains natural stimulants such as yerba mate and green tea (caffeine) and ginseng.
This is the full ingredients list of Skinny Me Tea in Australia: Sencha Green Tea, Goji Berries, Yerba Mate, Ginseng, Lemongrass, Nettle Leaves, Celery Leaves, Green Oolong Tea, Dandelion Leaves. The Skinny Me Tea contains caffeine. The promoters of this tea recommend to infuse approximately 3g (1 teaspoon) in a cup of hot water for 3-5 minutes. The method of ingestion is drinking the tea several times a day.
One of the main methods how Skinny Me Tea helps people lose weight with SkinnyMe Teatox is because it basically makes people consuming it run for the bathroom. The Evening Cleanse batch of the SkinnyMe Teatox includes Senna powder, which contains hydroxy anthracene glycosides.
It has a laxative effect. The SkinnyMe Teatox drinkers end up having random diarhhea which can aid in weight loss. SkinnyMe Teatox is a popular program from SkinnyMe Tea.
The most common side effects of Senna powder are stomach cramps and diarrhea. Some people are particularly likely to get stomach cramps and diarrhea with Senna powder if they have constipation related to IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.
SkinnyMe Tea should be used with care for people suffering from IBS and other stomach problems. This is because the benefits of weight loss can come at a price if misused and taken in large quantities.
SkinnyMe Tea VS Coca Tea?
Some of you may be wondering, what is more natural and more effective at promoting weight loss and boosting your health? Is it drinking cups and cups of SkinnyMe Teatox teas or coca tea?
SkinnyMe Tea has been around for less than 10 years and is operated by a social media company from Melbourne, Australia. The actual tea was put together by a then 22 year old lady from Melbourne, Australia. The maker of this herbal tea concoction, Gretta Van Riel, has put together the ingredients list from her home in 2012. Gretta has no formal training in nutrition or weight loss supplements.
Overall, SkinnyMe Tea does seem like a good weight loss product, and may very well work for some people. However, it’s high price (considering it’s cheap ingredients) and possible severe laxative effects can cause issues for some customers.
SkinnyMe Tea & Long Term Evidence
SkinnyMe Tea just does not have a long medically proven track record to be effective long term.
Coca tea on the other hand is uniquely different. The ancient records establish that coca leaves have been used for well over 3,000 years in Peru and Bolivia by the native people of the Andean mountains.
The Incans used coca tea powder and leaves for many different purposes. These included: medicinal, religious, ritual, social, and physiological uses of coca leaves.
Dried and fresh coca leaves have been chewed with alkaline ash by South American Indians for thousands of years to induce a mild but long-lasting euphoria and to suppress hunger and pain. The Incas worshipped and truly respected coca plants.
The special green leaves were used in ritual ceremonies and other special events reserved for the royalty and the elite.
During the Inca period, the coca leaf was reserved for the royalty and the Nobel priests. It was forbidden for the common Indians to enjoy the health benefits and other uses of coca.
Overall, if you want proven and effective results then coca tea is an easy choice. Not only does coca tea powder provide the user with an abundance of energy, mild euphoria, and the feelings of well-being, it also actively promotes weight loss.
Coca tea is non addictive, healthful and natural supplement that people have used for over 3000 years.
This ancient leaf can be drunk as tea or chewed (swirled under the tongue) with alkaline substance such as food grade sodium bicarbonate to activate the natural coca alkaloids.
As an informed individual, you are always welcome to try SkinnyMe Tea and compare it to coca tea powder or tea bags. Skinny Me Tea is easily available online and coca tea can be found exclusively on our shop page. We offer shipping from our warehouses in the USA, the UK and Australia.
You can also find coca leaves and tea bags sold across shops and markets in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile.
To your health,
I know what I’ll be buying, herbal tea or coca leaf tea… ha ha
They should rename the skinny me tea to diarrhea tea… lol
Hi Alex can you do bulk offers on 2 kgs of coca tea powder? The 3X type? Thanks man
I rather feel energy course through my veins than run for the toilet… just saying’
Those Instagram markets are full of crap.
Cheers mate
lol you crack me up Dave.
What is so special about the Skinnyme tea? I don’t get it. Just buy the herbals yourself for 5 bucks and be happy.
Does anyone actually buy that tea?
Hi Sean,
If you can make it easy and convenient for people then they will pay you.
Hi Alex can you combine coca tea with skinnyme tea or other herbs? Any good stocks man?
Hi David,
You can combine coca tea powder with any other herbal supplement, including skinnyme tea.
I like to have a yerba mate followed by chewing some coca leaf powder.
Also adding some l-theanine to the mix is nice.
Magnesium glycinate goes good with coca leaf powder and so do 2-3 beers prior to chewing.
Hey Alex,
I have tried Senna powder before, and it did help me lose weight, but you get the runs for sure.
I prefer coca tea.
It seems that the skinnyme tea is for women who want to lose weight and are desperate… it has the whoel chick appeal to it. I can’t see any blokes drinking this tea to wonna lose fat. Men hit the gym and eat whole foods, lots of meat, high fat and follow a keto based diet. Chewing coca gives a super kick up the ass to get shit done!
Love it!
Hi Tom,
Interesting observation. I genuinely think that SkinnyMe tea is a fine product and the biggest consumers of it would be young women who frequent Instagram and other social media platforms. This is where Skinny Me Tea does most of it’s marketing.
The ingredients do seem fine to me, although care must be taken with people who have stomach issues and IBS.
I applaud Gretta for creating what she has done. It takes a lot to build a large social media presence and sell simple herbal teas in such numbers.
I do think that coca leaf is more effective overall. This is because it does not only promote weight loss but it also cures a range of other ailments such as headaches and migraines, general aches and pains, it boosts energy, helps with digestion, improves blood glucose and is wonderful at high altitude. Coca tea covers many areas of by improving health, SkinnyMe Tea seems to be only useful for losing weight.
This is great because the customers have a variety of products available to them.
Hey Alex,
It’s great to see you posting again.
Keep us updated, will ya?
David Cooks
Anyone actually tried Senna powder? It’s the main ingredient of skinnyme tea.
It’s meant to cause a full-on laxative effect!!
I have used senna…. haha it works man.
Coca tea > skinny tea for weight loss 👍
What are the ingredients in the skinnyme tea?
Do you know what is more effective at burning fat, coca tea or ephedra?
Hi CV,
Both coca tea and ephedra are effective fat burners. See which you can find in your country and try them out.
Hi Alex how’s the 3X coca tea powder stock looking for a Melbourne delivery? I’m after 1000 grams mate.
Coca tea is probably the only herbal supplement that helped to lose weight, that and Senna powder.
Senna powder gives me the runs to the toilet… lol I prefer coca leaf powder.
Skinny Me tea sounds like a gimmick, I have not tried it but seems like it was mostly senna powder which gives you the runs.
Hi Pete,
Senna powder is a potent laxative.
SkinnyMe tea may work solely because of this explosive effect (excuse the pun).