Are you considering Ozempic VS Coca Tea for weight loss?
Currently, the news have countless articles about a new drug called “Ozempic”. Many people claim that it helps to lose weight without the user changing their diet or lifestyle. While some claim Ozempic really does help to lose fat and keep it off, many doctors and those who have tried the weight loss drug, are raising alarms about potential dangers and side effects.
So how does Ozempic VS Coca Tea go for weight loss? Let’s see the real world evidence.
Ozempic VS Coca Tea
By relying on weight loss drugs like Ozempic, you need a life-long commitment and to be able to take it indefinitely. This is because if you decide to stop taking these fat loss drugs down the line, the weight gain will return. This is guaranteed. You can’t take this medication for a few months and expect to lose weight when you quit.
There are also many nasty side effects. These include, but not limited to: Severe nausea, GERD (reflux), stomach cramps, delayed gastric emptying, constipation, liver and kidney damage, cancer and even death. This is one of the many reasons why a large number of weight loss patients will want to look for healthier alternatives to fat loss drugs like Ozempic.
These weight loss treatments are also rather expensive. On average in the USA, Ozempic costs around $1,200 USD a month. The sheer price alone is enough to deter many people from choosing this weight loss treatment option. Not to mention that in many cases Ozempic and other similar fat loss drugs on the market will cause more health problems for the patient that will cost them much more in the long run.
Ozempic VS Coca Tea comparison gets even more interesting.
Ozempic Bought Online
Many doctors and GPs straight out say that “Ozempic is a dangerous game“. This is because many patients source it online using the dark web marketplaces. Not only is this really irresponsible but its downright dangerous. You really have no idea what is inside these weight loss drugs sold online by shady sellers. There is no quality control and you are relying solely on your own gut instinct.
If you are serious about losing weight the right, safe and natural way then you need to pay close attention.
When you compare Ozempic VS Coca Tea for weight loss, there is really no comparison.
Ozempic is: Dangerous, synthetic, expensive, man-made and comes with a host of nasty and potentially deadly, side effects.
A life-long commitment.
Coca Tea, Ozempic & Fat Loss
Coca tea is: Safe, natural, highly effective for losing weight and keeping it off, makes you feel wonderful, contains naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and alkaloids. It is nature’s super food and has been used in South America for over 3 thousand years without any health problems. You can stop chewing or drinking coca tea at any time without any health issues or addictions.
When coca tea chewing is combined with a whole foods diet and a weekly regimen of light exercises, losing weight is guaranteed. Eating healthy is crucial to being trim while exercising on a weekly basis 3-4 times a week will promote fitness and endurance.
You really can’t compare Ozempic VS Coca Tea, because coca tea beats it in every way imaginable.
The food we eat on a daily basis is responsible for determining whether we are fat or slim. A whopping 80% of what we look like (weight wise), is determined by the food we eat. The other 20% is determined by the exercising we do on a weekly basis.
How Does Coca Tea Help with Weight Loss?
Coca leaves contain many natural alkaloids, minerals and vitamins that can help induce weight loss. These alkaloids, and there are over 16 natural alkaloids that are found in coca leaves, promote lipolysis. This is when the body burns fatty acids and glucose for energy. By consuming coca tea for weight loss, the body’s fat stores found in adipose tissue, are burnt off for energy. This further boosts the body’s metabolism and preserves muscle glycogen.
This unique process promotes the body’s natural fat-burning capability while giving the energy to get through your day without eating. Those people who enjoy coca tea powder chewing or drinking coca tea on a regular basis lose weight naturally without any side effects when comparing it to Ozempic VS Coca Tea.
In South America, high in the mountains where there is not much oxygen, the mine workers chew coca leaves throughout their day to give them a steady boost of energy while reducing their food cravings. These men can work all day long to get the job done.
You too can also enjoy the health benefits of coca leaves at home or in the office.
Lose Weight Naturally With Coca Leaves
In regards to Ozempic VS Coca Tea, coca is non addictive, helps you lose weight naturally, boosts your energy levels and makes you feel great. While Ozempic and other weight-loss drugs are downright dangerous, have a myriad of nasty side effects and they will never address the cause of the weight gain.
These weight-loss drugs are fairly new while the people in South America have enjoyed the health benefits of coca tea for at least 3 thousand years.
The choice is easy…
To your health and success,
Alex and team
I have never been fond of any pharmaceuticals and the whole idea of Ozempic repulses me, sticking needles and all. There are much safer and more effective fat loss methods out there, coca tea for one.
Thanks for the write up, Alex.
Anything that comes in a pill or an injection will harm your body, that is a fact.
Hey Alex buddy, glad you’re back posting new content.
Much love from Peter and Sarah in Sydney.
Coca tea and Yerba mate work great for me. It’s a great fat burning stack.
Yerba mate tastes good. Coca tea tastes grassy to me. not bad but has a better energy boost. Love it mate.
Ozempic mist be an American thing. I have not seen any here in the UK. I’ll stick to my coca tea powder 🙂
Ozempic is trash.
Why does big pharma always push these weight loss drugs? Must be big money to be made.
Hey what about coffee with coca tea?? Can that help? Or yohimbe for weight loss?