Effects of coca leaves are felt within 5-10 minutes of either drinking coca tea or chewing coca leaves with sodium bicarbonate.
This is what a person feels while enjoying coca leaves for health reasons, the effects of coca leaves:
Fast relief from aches and pains in muscle tissue and joints.
Promotes weight loss and fat burning.
Highly effective against headaches, nausea, motion sickness and migraines.
Increased stamina and endurance.
Effective against severe malnutrition and anemia while providing the following vitamins:
Vitamin A (10,000 – 14,000 IU)
Vitamin B1 (0.58 – 0.68 mg)
Vitamin B2 (1.73 mg)
Vitamin B6 (0.58 mg)
Vitamin C (1.4 – 53 mg)
Vitamin D (trace amounts)
Vitamin E (16.72 mg)
Calcium (990.18 – 1749 mg)
Copper (1.1 mg)
Iron (26.8 – 45.8 mg)
Magnesium (197 – 225 mg)
Phosphorus (637 mg)
Zinc (2.63 – 3.8 mg)
Strengthens the body while quickly rejuvenating the mind.
Rich in calcium and therefore nourishes and protects bones and teeth.
Cleans and empties the urinary tract preventing urinary tract infections and inflammation.
Improves mood, well-being and desire to achieve more out of life.
Promotes healthy intestines and formation of colon cancer due to plant fiber.
Improves digestion and aids the stomach.
Regulates healthy blood pressure.
Regulates optimal glucose levels in the blood.
Regulates normal levels of dopamine in the brain to prevent depression.
Helps to clean and heal fatty liver.
Regulates blood triglycerides and lowers bad cholesterol.
Highly effective against stress and anxiety.
Coca leaves increase oxygen levels within cells, helps to boost peak physical performance levels and helps to mentally focus.
Highly effective against the altitude sickness.
Boosts the immune system and prevents colds and flu.
Coca leaves effects work to heal and prevent arthritis.
Coca tea leaves promote hair and nail growth, while helping to prevent and reduce old age spots.
Coca leaves have the ability to reduce gray hair and premature aging.
Coca leaves effects are truly miraculous because coca can heal a wide number of illnesses and health conditions.
To your health and success,
Is coca effective against cancer?
I would say that in Peru and Bolivia where coca tea is regularly confused daily, there is less risk of cancer. I personally think that coca tea boosts the immune system against viruses, cold and flu and cancer but I am not a doctor.
Coca tea feels very clean and gives me a nice energy buzz. I like it more than coffee.