There are many coca tea’s benefits on the body, coca plant has been used by people in South America for over 7000 years. We will examine exactly what coca tea does to the human body.
Coca Tea Against Cancer and Tumors
Coca tea leaves contain a wide range of healing antioxidants. Coca leaves are rich in polyphenols, so much so that they contain more of them than carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, onions and many other nutrient-dense vegetables. Coca has more beta carotene than carrots which is a vitamin A precursor. Numerous medical studies have shown that beta carotene protects against various types of cancer. Coca tea’s benefits go further because the leaf has been found to contain condensed tannins in large amounts. These tannins play a vital and a very interesting role because they protect proteins, fats and carbohydrates from oxidative stress and damage during the digestion phase in our body.
Coca Tea Against Stress
In laboratory tests when a patient was given an extract of coca tea, immediate stress relief was followed. Coca leaves provide the user with energy, the feelings of well-being and a sense of calmness. Individuals who suffer from stress and anxiety will greatly benefit from chewing coca tea leaves. Coca tea’s benefits come in the form of increased confidence, alertness and focus.
Coca Tea Protects The Liver
There is clear evidence that coca leaves are highly protective and beneficial for the liver. Fatty liver disease is a condition that is greatly improved and can be reversed with regular consumption of coca tea leaves. People that consume alcohol in large amounts on a regular basis seem to not suffer from a fatty liver disease or liver cirrhosis. These findings made Dr. Roger Ramos Aliaga to research coca’s effects on the liver and he discovered that coca leaves do protect the liver cells. The results were published in the 2006 study: Antioxidant effects and an alkaline extract of Coca leaves hepatoprotector; (which was based on his research “Metabolism of ethanol and conditions of the liver in rats” UNMSM, 2004). Coca tea’s benefits on the liver are truly remarkable.
It must be stated that abusing alcohol and the pure cocaine drug together, severely damages the liver due to formation of a new liver-toxic chemical called cocaethylene. When alcohol is consumed with the whole coca leaf, something entirely different happens. Dr. Ramos Aliaga has stated: Coca leaves provide a powerful antioxidant effect on the body, as opposed to heart-toxic and liver-toxic purified drug cocaine. Coca’s antioxidants in combination with vitamins A, B, C, E, tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids, have antioxidant properties that instead of damaging the body’s organs, heal and protect
Coca Tea Promotes Healthy Digestive System
The coca plant has a naturally occurring cellulose fiber. It’s sheer volume is significantly higher than found in oat and wheat bran. Coca’s cellulose fiber, speeds up the bowel movement and evacuation of feces. The fiber also strengthens the intestinal flora by producing more beneficial fatty acids. The amount present is higher than found in oat and wheat bran and drastically higher than in most vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. Coca leaves contain lignin, this is an antioxidant that prevents the release of harmful free radicals and absorbs fat. Lignin is responsible for binding of iron with zinc. Its volume is greater than found in oat and wheat bran, spinach, cabbage and lettuce.
Fiber consumption raises the good cholesterol in the body.
Coca tea leaf is considered to be a super food. It’s healing effects are well-established and documented. Discover coca tea’s benefits for yourself by buying from our store.
To your health and success,
I like your site and coca tea blog mate.
Learned a TONNE of things about coca!