Coca Tea VS Coffee, what is the BEST natural energy stimulant? Can you buy coca tea in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia or Australia? Yes, you can.
Coca Tea VS Coffee
In this article, we will explain why coca tea beats coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants every single time! We will show you how everyone can enjoy coca tea powder and coca tea bags at home to boost energy, well-being and lose weight naturally.
Most Americans, English, Canadian and European people rely heavily on drinking coffee for energy. Caffeine has become an addiction for many and a morning ritual. Coffee drinkers simply can’t function without coffee in the morning, after lunch and even in the evening. The coffee addiction has gotten so bad that health conscious people are looking for natural coffee alternatives, to replace coffee.
Coca tea vs coffee will be discussed in greater details below.
Energy Drinks Dangers
While adults tend to enjoy coffee as a natural stimulant, many young adults, teenagers and even kids are turning to energy drinks. Energy drinks laced with processed GMO sugar, caffeine, guarana and synthetic vitamins have become a dangerous chemical cocktail.
These energy drinks have been negatively impacting the health of our younger generation for the last decade. The situation has gotten so bad that many teenagers are literally overdosing on caffeine and ending up in hospitals or worse… These energy drinks are easily available for sale in most cafes, supermarkets, nightclubs and bars.
Coffee consumption can also become problematic. This is why many people who require natural energy to get through their busy day are starting to compare coca tea vs coffee. The results will shock you when you realize how much better coca tea is instead of coffee.
Coffee is the most widely available stimulating drink in the world. You can buy it in cafes, shops, supermarkets, restaurants and petrol stations. It seems that the establishment wants us all to be addicted to caffeine.
Coca Tea VS Coffee & Energy Drinks
What if there was a healthy alternative to coffee and energy drinks? A natural, stimulating coca leaf that people of Peru and Bolivia have enjoyed for over 3000 years with great health, energy and weight loss benefits.
Coca tea vs coffee is a topic of discussions among many people. Coca tea bags and coca tea powder offer natural energy for work, sports, study and mental stimulation.
Workers chew coca leaves during hard physical labor. Coca leaf helps mine workers work all day long without breaks or food.
Students in Peru chew coca tea powder to study for long hours.
Mountaineers and hikers use coca tea to help them climb the highest mountains, adjust to high altitude and push them beyond their natural capabilities. Coca tea vs coffee when it comes to climbing mountains proves that coca leaf is far superior for energy and stamina!
Medicinal Uses of Coca Leaf
Others use coca tea to cure health conditions such as headaches, migraines, period pains, and obesity.
Coca tea powder has a wide use in medicine because it works as a health-promoting super food. It helps with aches and pains, depression, lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, asthma, and osteoporosis.
Coca tea vs coffee is simply no comparison.
Coffee Side Effects
There are many side effects when it comes to frequent coffee consumption. When a person drinks more than 4 cups of coffee per day, the following side effects are observed:
- insomnia, agitation, restlessness, nervousness, stomach pains, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting
Coca Tea VS Coffee Health Benefits
Coca tea provides a long lasting, natural energy boost. There is no energy spike or crash unlike with coffee. Coca leaves are non addictive, completely natural and have been used for over 3000 years. When a person consumes coca tea powder, the following health benefits are produced:
- long-lasting energy, feelings of well-being, reduction of appetite, weight-loss, pain relief, cures upset stomachs, cures high altitude sickness and stops headaches and migraines
It is easy to see why coca tea vs coffee is really a no-brainer. Coca tea beats coffee hands down. You will be far more healthy, more energized and better equipped mentally with coca tea powder.
Furthermore, coca leaves are jam packed with easily digestible vitamins, minerals and fiber:
- calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
- vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and E
- natural coca alkaloids, fiber and protein
Consuming coca tea on a daily basis, is a perfect alternative to taking synthetic vitamins and expensive dietary powders.
Coca tea promotes weight-loss and fat burning. This makes coca a perfect solution for losing weight and keeping it off for good.
When it comes to coca tea vs coffee, coca leaves provide a more natural, long-lasting energy and mental focus.
Buy Coca Tea Online
You can buy coca tea online at Coca Tea Express SHOP. Coca tea parcels are shipped from United States, United Kingdom and Australia via express post. We offer:
- Discreet, Safe and Secure Global Deliveries
- Full Tracking Details Provided
- We Guarantee Your Delivery
By considering coca tea vs coffee, you have taken the first step to achieving BETTER HEALTH, MORE VIBRANT ENERGY and GREATER MENTAL FOCUS!
We look forward to serving you our Premium Coca Tea products!
Visit our coca tea USA shop today!
I actually like to have a cup of espresso coffee and then chew 10 grams of coca tea powder. Keeps me energized for 3-4 hours. Great for working!
Hi Kevin,
Coffee is fine to drink once a day but anymore and it becomes an addiction. Stacking coca tea after coffee can be beneficial for energy and weight loss.
Kind regards,
The best stack is l-theanine 200 mg, then cup of strong coffee with butter and then chewing coca tea powder with bi carb soda. Pure energy!!
Hi Manny,
L theanine is great for stacking with coffee and coca tea.
Kind regards,
I like coca tea and coffee so I have both in the morning 🙂
Hi Dave,
Coca tea and coffee have a good synergy. Very effective for work and study!
Kind regards,
Yerba mate works well with coca tea powder when you chew it.
Pure energy 🙂
Yerba mate or matcha green tea is better than coffee. It also goes well with coca tea (synergy). Don’t drink at same time lol
Hi Guys,
My question: IS IT REAL COCA leaves? I heard it can NOT be imported to The US, so, am I getting the real thing with all of its benefits?
Please reply
Hi Luis,
We can only import coca tea powder and tea bags into the US.
It contains all the natural alkaloids.
You are welcome to order via our ashop page:
Kind regards,
Shipping from the USA, UK and Australia.
I like to drink coffee first and then chew coca tea piwder with bi carb soda. It provides an energy boost for 2-3 hours.
Love it mate!!
Charles P