Coca tea reviews allow more people to discover the benefits of coca leaves.
Coca tea is a beneficial and medicinal plant that’s a natural stimulant and safe to use for all people. Most of all, coca leaves have been used by people in Peru and Bolivia for over 3000 years. Today, millions of people in South America and across the world still enjoy chewing coca tea powder or making coca tea using an AeroPress tea and coffee maker.
Whole coca leaves are only available to purchase in Peru and Bolivia, however, coca tea powder is available for purchase on the Internet from Australia and United States via Coca Tea Express.
It’s all very straight forward when it comes to coca tea. Coca powder is made from the whole leaves of the coca plant which is Erythroxylum coca var. coca. Coca tea and it’s leaves have been used by the Incas and the ancient people in Peru and Bolivia for over 3000 years. Coca can be harvested up to 4 times per year, making it a great cash crop in the regions. Coca leaves are sun dried and then powdered after picking them manually by hand (never machines) and only contain the natural coca tea ingredients, nothing artificial is ever added.
Furthermore, our coca tea powder only has the powdered soft leaves and never the hard stalks or woody fibers that some cheaper coca tea brands have.
With a busy work schedule and tonnes of pressure to succeed in life, at the gym and still have enough energy to socialize with family and friends, most people will turn to unhealthy mainstream stimulants such as coffee and unhealthy energy drinks, some even opt to take illegal drugs to stay awake. I was never addicted to coffee or Red Bull energy drinks as I was aware of the caffeine’s side effects and how unhealthy it can be to your body. At the same time I was on a quest to find a natural and safe stimulant that would boost my energy levels and focus without nasty side effects and a crash in energy after it’s affects wore off.
Upon reading some coca tea reviews, I was glad to finally find a solution to replace coffee and toxic energy drinks with a healthy and energy boosting coca tea from Peru!
After reading countless of coca tea reviews, I set out to try and chew and drink coca tea just like some people would use coffee, to wake up and boost energy and focus.
Coca tea powder worked so well that I ended up being more alert, getting more productivity and even creativity at my day job as well as when working on my online business. It was that GOOD at boosting my energy levels and keeping me awake when I needed to perform my work duties and be sharp and focused.
When I chew coca tea powder with sodium bicarbonate, I get an energy buzz and euphoria that lasts for over an hour but it’s different to the effects you would normally get from caffeine. For once, coca tea does NOT hurt your stomach with cramps, it does NOT cause jitters or anxiety and there are NO withdrawals like you get with regular coffee drinking.
After reading more coca tea reviews, I found that chewing coca tea powder works more efficiently and much better than drinking it. Coca tea powder absorbs more effectively through the mouth and if you swallow the tea leaves after 40 minutes, nothing is wasted.
I initially started with one heaped teaspoon of coca tea powder mixed with bi carb soda per day, but if I wanted an even bigger energy boost, I would chew two or three heaped teaspoons of coca and it worked like a charm, pure mental focus and energy.
Whenever I head out for work or pleasure, I now regularly keep a small glass jar full of coca tea powder mixed with sodium bicarbonate, so when I am feeling tired, sleepy or simply need an energy boost, I have coca tea available at my disposal.
If you are new to coca tea, then I highly recommend to read through some coca tea reviews about the benefits of coca tea:
Woah…where to begin? The sheer amount of raw power I felt after taking this magical elixir? The surge of energy that coursed through my body the second I swallowed?
Goodness gracious me!
This stuff will empower your body like a hyperactive hummingbird and make your mind buzz like a bee. You will be dashing all around the place with boundless energy, and your thoughts and concentration will be as sharp as a sword. No wonder the government doesn’t want you taking this stuff; it’s too overpowered!
Why would we go back to pharmaceuticals and coffee after experiencing this?
A few things I’ve learned are:
-To chew it at the front of my mouth, because if you chew it anywhere else that area becomes numb, and you can’t swallow properly, and you might accidentally breathe in the coca powder.
-Rinse your mouth with water after swallowing.
-Being prepared for the extreme amounts of energy that will begin surging through your body the moment you eat it.
Five stars.
Seimun Kwon
I made a cup of this wonderful tea and I’m elated. WAY BETTER THAN COFFEE! I live in America but my mother is a 1st gen immigrant from Chile. This tea has inspired me to head up through Arica to Peru this year when I head out to Chile this summer.
Thank you so much Alex, your product is AMAZING!
Blessing to you,
Originally I used coca tea for energy at work and because it was different. Now I find the best effect for me is with my head space. I will have a cup of coca tea in the morning for the first week each day then have a break for a few days to a week. Then I just have it Mon to Friday.
If I’m having a low day I will chew a spoon full. I guess when I first started trying the tea it was exciting and a different buzz. Then when it ran out I thought maybe it’s a placebo. Maybe it’s just me. So I like to have it in the house.
After going through divorce and children, doctors, drinking to much, smoking I preferred a natural approach. The medication from the doctors was not pleasant when you stop. Sooner or later the drugs stop working. Each to there own but for me coca tea has been the best treatment for my well being. Though for me it works best if I have breaks and don’t have it everyday for weeks on end.
Coca tea helped me lose 10 pounds in the first two weeks. I wouldn’t even call it dieting. Coca curbed my appetite for junk food and my weight started coming right off.
I feel great and my energy levels are through the roof when chewing coca leaf tea. Bi carb takes some getting used to as it’s salty but I think I used too much of it anyway.This tea is great for losing weight.
To order your very own ORGANIC COCA TEA POWDER easily on-line and have it shipped via EXPRESS POST without any issues with customs or border force, please visit our Coca Tea Express store. We guarantee delivery or your money back.
How long does it take to deliver to Spain?
Hi Carlos,
With express post it will take 5-6 business days. With regular shipping, 8-12 business days.
What’s it like compared to kratom? I like kratom but never tried coca tea.
Hi David,
I personally find coca tea more effective than kratom, it doesn’t cause me any nausea (in fact it cures and prevents headaches and nausea) and it works rather quickly for me.
Kratom needs to be dosed properly and everyone is different so you need to find your proper dose.
Kratom is excellent for opiod/opiate addiction, many users have gotten off oxycontyn and other hard drugs like heroin using kratom.
Can I combine coca tea with coffee? Is it ok??
Yes, you can take coffee and coca tea together. I have done it on many occasions when needing an extra boost.
Check with your doctor if you have heart problems and low or high blood pressure.