Coca tea powder uses span over 3000 years. It is one of the most healing plants in Peru and Bolivia.
Coca leaf is a vital part of the Andean culture. The Incas have been using coca leaves to boost physical and mental energy. They relied on this sacred plant as a dietary supplement.
Coca Tea Chewing
Various ancient cities such as the Machu Picchu were build by the Incas. They were famous for their creative structures and ancient buildings. Coca tea was certainly used by these people which gave them strength and energy. Lifting heavy stones and boulders required an immense mental and physical strength and power. There was also a lack of oxygen high up in the Andean mountains and coca leaves helped immensely to overcome altitude sickness. The aches and pains were overcome with coca tea powder uses.
Luckily for us, coca leaves can also be used in the modern times. Coca leaf can be consumed in the following ways:
- chewing dried or fresh leaves
- making coca tea
- making coca leaf rum and wine
- adding coca tea powder to bread
Coca can essentially boost the nutrition levels of any food simply by adding the leaf powder to it. Packed with minerals, vitamins and natural alkaloids. It is a TRUE SUPER FOOD.
Available to buy right now in the USA, UK and Australia.
Popular Coca Tea Brands
There are a number of different brands that sell coca tea powder uses. These coca tea companies are:
- Del Valle
- Delisse
- Herbi
- Wawasana
These are all commercial coca tea brands. They sell coca tea powder, coca tea bags, coca leaf candy, coca leaf shampoos and extracts. Some companies in Peru and Bolivia also sell coca leaf wine and rum.
Coca flour, mate de coca or harina de coca are also referred to the tea powder.
All the minerals, vitamins and natural coca alkaloids make it ideal for our health and body. It is so good that many people around the world add coca leaf products to their diet.
Coca tea powder uses are abundant.
Medicinal Facts
If someone you know suffers from a bone disease called osteoporosis, then this amazing plant can help. Coca flour is rich in calcium, it contains over 2000 mg of calcium per 100 grams. This certainly surpasses dairy products as far as nutrition goes.
Iron and vitamin B are also present in coca flour in large amounts. This can help to treat and prevent anemia. Our body can easily digest and absorb vast amounts on iron and B vitamins from powdered coca leaves. It also boosts our immune system to stay fit and healthy.
For those who suffer from heart and cholesterol problems. coca can be of great help. People who consume coca tea on a regular basis tend to have healthy hearts and arteries.
Several studies showed that chewing coca leaf flour caused the body to switch from using glucose (glycolysis) to fat breakdown (lipolysis), which showed benefits during and after physical activity.
Another study showed that coca leaf powder chewers during exercise had increased adrenaline levels in the blood, burned more fat and their oxygen use increased slower than in those who did not chew. This is why coca lovers have a higher endurance.
Heart & Brain Health
Patients with high triglycerides and cholesterol problems will see an improvement after they commence a regular consumption of coca de mate powder. It is highly beneficial to chew or drink coca leaf tea after food as it regulates glucose and blood pressure levels.
Coca powder is a mild antidepressant. It temporarily blocks the re-uptake of dopamine, serotonin, and nor-epinephrine. This is different to how cocaine acts on the brain. Coca simply raise the well-being and improves the mood. It gently helps to balance the emotions. In fact, children that suffer from hyperactivity (ADD and ADHD) can experience many benefits from coca leaf powder.
Unlike powerful drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall and Dexamphetamine, coca tea will not harm the developing brain of a young child.
In fact, this plant possesses powerful antioxidant properties. Patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease will greatly benefit from coca leaf products.
Coca tea powder uses are wide and far. You can chew it, drink it (AeroPress coffee and tea maker) or you can simply sprinkle it onto your food or juices. We recommend that if you are new to coca leaf powder, it is best to start in the morning with 1 or two teaspoons for chewing or tea making. This plant is a natural stimulant, therefore it may keep you awake for a few hours.
You can gradually increase the dose after experimenting. Normally, it is beneficial to consume 10-15 grams of coca leaf powder per day for health and well-being. i have personally consumed as much as 30-40 grams per day in times of physical exhaustion and stress.
If you have any questions, please feel free to CONTACT US.
You can buy coca leaf products in the USA, UK and Australia via our shop HERE.
To your health and success,
Thank you for this wonderful article. I have chronic fatigue and want to see if coca tea powder will help me overcome this health condition. I will order tomorrow.
Hi Helen, you will get many benefits from coca tea. Chew it, its stronger this way,
What about migraines? Does coca tea powder or leaves help? Should I chew?
I like just to chew coca tea powder with bi carb. Any good stacks to synergise it? Maybe kratom?
I like to use coca tea as powder in my smoothies, doesn’t numb my mouth but still good for energy.
Is coca tea powder easier to ingest than coca tea bags???
Hi Julie,
It depends, coca tea bags are great for steeping tea and making coca leaf rum.
Coca tea powder is excellent for chewing with bi carb soda.