Many people are interested in using coca tea powder scrub for their skin health.
Coca leaves have always been popular as a medicinal plant for boosting energy, curing headaches and promoting weight-loss. However, as far as topical applications go, they too have become popular. Coca tea powder stops muscle aches and pains and it improves blood circulation in the body.
Miracle Plant
For many decades, creams made out of coca leaves were sold as a panacea for aches and pains in Peru and Bolivia. More recently, a lot of top spas and other modern health retreats have started including coca tea powder scrubs, lotions and creams. These natural products have become very popular with health-conscious people for their medicinal benefits.
When you massage coca leaves into the skin, it promotes blood circulation, improves skin tone and removes dead skin.
Coca leaf contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, it is also a natural stimulant. High end spas such as Inkaterra in Peru relies on coca leaf products to remove toxins and boost the blood circulation. To get these coca tea powder scrub treatments, you must either go to Peru or Bolivia yourself, or buy coca tea powder from our online shop to administer the treatments yourself.
Available Here At Our Shop
Coca tea or coca leaves in general are not available in the USA, Canada, Europe, United Kingdom, Asia or Australia. You can’t buy them at any regular shop or health store.
This is the entire process behind coca tea powder scrubs.
Coca leaves are finely powdered, then added to cooked and cooled quinoa (an ancient grain). Quinoa is a gentle scrub which removes dead skin tissue. The coca leaf and quinoa scrub is then rubbed and massaged over the whole body of the person.Your skin will begin to tingle and feel cool, it will feel as if some menthol was applied.
Amazing Effects
This process improves the blood circulation. When you chew coca tea powder or drink a concentrated coca leaf tea, you can feel it’s effects very quickly. The stimulating properties of coca leaves are pronounced.
You should administer the coca tea massage for at least 45-60 minutes. Then wash it off.
On the other hand, the coca tea powder scrub does not stimulate your central nervous system or your mind. You will only feel your skin tingle. A sense of well-being will overcome you.
After the coca leaf scrub treatment is finished, your aches and pains will be diminished. You will feel light and refreshed, your skin will be smooth and glowing.
To your health and success,
Thanks for the article. I will try coca tea powder as a scrub with quinoa.
Can I add anything else to the mix?
Anything you like, other herbs can work too but not too much as they may compete with coca tea powder.
Hello, can you add coca tea powder to make face masks?
Hi Mandy,
I think you can easily make coca tea powder face masks.
Kind regards,