I will start posting all my COCA TEA HEALTH BENEFITS videos here also so you can have full access to these for health information and as a reference guide.
I aim to create at least 1 video on coca tea health benefits every 1-2 weeks while at the same time not flooding you with too much information. These videos will be posted onto my MEN 101 channel as well as Driven and Desired.
Coca Tea Health Benefits
Coca tea is a gift from God and nature to us all. People across the world should enjoy the weight loss benefits, fat burning, healthy teeth and gums, and many other useful, natural remedies that coca tea provides. I prefer chewing coca tea powder with bi carb soda over drinking coca, because it feels a lot stronger and more pronounced. My energy and focus improve within 10-15 minutes and I feel like I can do anything.
Coca tea health benefits are noticed from the first moment you experience coca leaves. No work task is too much and it keeps me going for many hours. I re-dose every 40 minutes and swallow the rest of the leaf powder.
I use coca tea as a fasting agent when I don’t want to eat. Coca completely kills my appetite and I have no food cravings. I also feel great at the same time because coca feeds my body while I am fasting. More videos on fasting and coca tea coming up.
What are the actual coca tea health benefits? Let’s explore this fascinating topic.
Medicinal Properties of Coca Tea
Coca tea helps with curing headaches and migraines. Many people use coca as a wonderful analgesic and for pain relief.
Upon chewing or drinking coca tea powder, your headache and migraine will be gone. It also works great for nausea and motion sickness. For those suffering from any kind of headaches and nausea, coca tea is a must.
If you are low on energy or suffer from chronic fatigue and lethargy, coca leaf powder will definitely help you get through the day. This plant uses free fatty acids and excess glucose in the blood for energy. Not only will you feel more energized, but you will also lose weight. It will also help those suffering from diabetes as coca tea powder can stabilize and regular sugar levels.
Coca leaves are rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. For those suffering from osteoporosis and arthritis, coca will be a wonderful medicine. in fact, coca tea leaves contain more calcium than dairy milk. This plant-based calcium is also easily absorbed by the human body.
Your tooth and gum health will improve with daily coca tea powder chewing. Coca tea health benefits are directly linked to your oral health. This plant is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. They all work together to build and maintain strong health teeth, gums and bones.
For those who are keen mountain climbers, coca tea is a must have. It will help you breath easy and get acclimatized to high altitude. The oxygen is very thin high in the mountains and often the professional climbers rely on oxygen tanks to help them breath and function properly. A famous climber Hermann Buhl climbed successfully Nanga Parbat with the aid of coca leaves. While others died climbing this treacherous mountain, he made it up and back down safely.
Natural Stimulant
Coca tea powder helps you work harder, longer and helps you focus. In Peru and Bolivia the miners who work hard labor, rely extensively on coca leaves for energy and nourishment. They can work all day long with few breaks and hardly any food.
Taxi drivers in Peru also rely on coca tea to get them through long days of driving customers.
As you can see the coca tea health benefits are wide and plentiful.
The great news is that YOU TOO can enjoy the health benefits of coca tea. You can buy coca tea online from our Coca tea Express shop HERE. We ship from the USA, UK and Australia. Your parcel will arrive quickly and safely. No more waiting for parcels to arrive from Peru that can take 6-8 weeks if you are lucky.
Hope you are all having a great day, GREAT HEALTH and VIBRANT ENERGY to you all!
I think you have finally convinced to get some coca tea. I need to lose my fat gut. It’s hard when you are always working. Will order tonight.