For most of my life I have suffered from CHRONIC FATIGUE, SLEEPINESS and a mild form of DEPRESSION.
My lack of energy and lethargy was so bad that even normal, day-to-day chores such as cleaning, vacuuming, washing dishes, working on my online business and mowing the lawn were a “mission impossible” for me.
I did not understand this back then, and for some odd reason I thought that this was how most “NORMAL” people also felt. I wanted to IMPROVE MY ENERGY LEVELS NATURALLY and was eager to find something that REALLY WORKED to BOOST MY WELL-BEING.
I was always against drugs and knew that pharmaceutical drugs were not the answer as they mask the symptoms but NEVER address the root of the actual problem.
I wanted to research and find out more about different, NATURAL HERBS and SUPPLEMENTS that could help me to unlock the energy and focus that I’ve always wanted to have.
When researching into energizing, natural health food and supplements, I came across COCA TEA.
Coca tea does not have caffeine and has been used by the ancient people of PERU and BOLIVIA for over 3000 YEARS.
To Order Our Organic Coca Tea
Click “ADD TO CART” button below:
International Express shipping from US and Australia
- Coca Tea BOOSTS energy and clears the mind
Coca Tea BURNS fat and stops hunger - Coca Tea INCREASES well-being and raises the mood
Coca Tea CURES headaches and migraines - Coca Tea SOOTHES an upset stomach and stops constipation
…And LOTS of other health promoting benefits.
I am talking about the real ORGANIC MATE DE COCA, most people call it COCA TEA.
After further examination, I discovered that people in Peru and Bolivia have been BREWING and CHEWING coca leaf tea for over 3000 years and still enjoy it on daily occasions to this day. The infamous drug cocaine is also made from this coca plant, but coca tea (in its WHOLE, NATURAL LEAF FORM) is actually HEALTHY FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, whereas cocaine is dangerous and toxic for the heart.
In other words, CONSUME COCA TEA, but refuse cocaine!
There are TWO STRAINS of cultivated COCA TEA, Erythroxylum coca var. coca and the second, Erythroxylum novogranatense.
Inside Erythroxylum coca var. coca, the lowest and weakest alkaloid content belongs to Erythroxylum coca var. ipadu, This coca plant grows in the Amazonian rain forests. It has an average alkaloid content that’s been rated at 0.25%.
Our UNIQUE “TRIPLE STRENGTH COCA TEA FLOUR” comes from Erythroxylum novogranatense species that grows in Bolivia. The average alkaloid content of this variety has been rated at 1.02%. That represents almost 4 TIMES the average content of ipadu coca tea plant species. Hence why this coca flour demands a higher price and is RARE TO COME ACROSS.
It TASTES and SMELLS DIFFERENTLY to an average coca tea strain. The end results are highlighted through significantly BETTER ENERGY LEVELS, IMPROVED CONCENTRATION and WELL-BEING.
Coca Tea – A Natural, Health Boosting Energizer
I was EXCITED and eager to learn about coca tea and how it was healing for human health
I had many questions about the HEALING POWERS OF COCA LEAF TEA:
What alkaloids are there in the coca tea leaves?
- Within the two strains cultivated in Peru and Bolivia, the lowest cocaine alkaloid content has been rated at 0.25% while the highest at 1.01%.
- I also discovered a laboratory analysis which showed that coca tea has many BENEFICIAL ALKALOIDS that work synergistic when drunk as tea or chewed with bi carb soda. There was a total of 14 HEALTHY ALKALOIDS within coca tea that have been isolated to deliver health promoting effects.
- Coca tea has many nutritional benefits when taken as tea or chewed with bi carb soda. COCA TEA packs a variety of VITAMINS and MINERALS that people require for vibrant health.
- Coca tea has been cultivated by indigenous people of South America for as long as 7000 years.
Coca Tea Delivery in United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe and Australia?
In Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia coca tea is consumed by ADULTS and YOUNG CHILDREN.
Many shops and street vendors sell coca tea flour, coca leaf teabags and it’s EVERYWHERE.
I thought I would “try my luck” placing an order online from a retail store.
I ordered 100 grams of coca tea flour from a Peruvian store. I was really happy when the coca tea package cleared the US customs and was delivered 6 weeks after.
I was really excited and went to make some coca tea. I felt a GREAT ENERGY BUZZ and a sense of WELL-BEING and ALERTNESS as I drank my first cup of COCA DE MATE.
It felt really good so I drank a SECOND CUP right after.
The following days, I was really starting to enjoy my coca tea.
I started to REALLY FEEL ENERGIZED and my well-being and overall drive as well as motivation was GREATLY IMPROVING. I stopped procrastinating, stopped being lazy and no longer wanted to stay in bed in the morning.
I was eager to get up and make myself a cup (or two) of coca tea or to simply chew coca! My energy levels were STEADY and CONSTANT and much higher than I have ever experienced before. I got back to being physically active and started going to the gym again, I JUST WANTED TO DO THINGS AGAIN!
And even after the stimulating effects of coca tea wore off (about 60-80 minutes) there was no sudden crash, I felt great and vibrant but also could go to sleep unlike with coffee. My mind was also SHARPER when I was consuming coca tea.
My whole mouth becomes numb, I can feel the rise of STEADY ENERGY and that classic BUZZED FEELING that only coca tea flour can deliver. After all, this is the way people in Peru and Bolivia prefer to consume their coca tea every day, by chewing it with sodium bicarbonate.
Coca Tea For Your Well-Being
After consuming COCA TEA on and off for OVER THREE YEARS, I now truly know that all that I read and researched about coca tea’s health benefits were not fabricated, they were the ACTUAL TRUTH.
My life, well-being and health have vastly improved.
I have lots MORE DAILY ENERGY, I am MOTIVATED TO SUCCEED in everything that I do, my mood and state of mind is POSITIVE and I stopped writing myself off and stopped sabotaging my own success.
And even though I can’t completely owe it all to coca tea, deep down, I know that it was coca that helped me push myself further, to work harder, longer and have the clear, positive mindset to get me there and get things done!
Coca tea can also help you and MOTIVATE YOU to do more with life.
I wanted more people to discover about the real, natural, health benefits of coca tea flour, so I created this website.
If coca tea was able to help the people of Peru and Bolivia for over 3000 years to get through hard working days in a low oxygen environment of the Andes, then JUST IMAGINE WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU!
To Order Our Organic Coca Tea
Click “ADD TO CART” button below:
International Express shipping from US and Australia
This tea has given me a new take on life. I have way more energy, more interest and nothing seems like a job “too big” these days. Your website also saves me hassles and stress from trying my luck with customs and border control to bring it in from South America. You guys are tops! Thank you, Mike.
Quality product, great coca tea, easy communication and rapid delivery (took 4 days in United States). A+++++ Thanks heaps. Ron.
Hey brother so there was a learning curve using with the coca chews, a few variables I had to deal with to make it a comfortable experience, but I got it down perfect! Just wanted to throw a sincere thank you for being so generous with your help and for also being so damn accessible. I love coca!
Such a great coca leaf tea, tastes nice and keeps me going! Now if only I could buy 10 kilos! Many thanks. Lou
Top shelf coca tea- really one of the freshest I’ve had. The kick I get from it is gentle, yet you can really feel it, I prefer to chew it over drinking coca tea. Three chews in a row and I am very happy and upbeat 🙂 I got my friends to try it so you may have some more customers soon. More orders coming up sir… thank you for really fast delivery too. J
I thought coffee was good at keeping me awake and energized, this mate de coca tea is really on another level (for the better I must say!). I thought it was lies, but I will admit it works like a charm. Express shipping is always great too buddy. Gracias!! L
I’ve suffered with chronic fatigue for most of my life, especially in my teenage years. Getting out of bed was a chore and I often slept for 12-14 hours a day. Your magical coca tea keeps me going like an energizer bunny and I have no problems falling asleep, I think you have a customer for life. 🙂 Wendy xo
After importing and exporting coca tea for the last 3 years, through trial and error, we have finally managed to find the freshest, most reliable, and HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANIC COCA TEA on the market.
The fact of the matter is, most of the coca sold today has been sitting on the shelves of some dusty warehouses and garages for several months (or longer) in unforgiving tropical heat.
This affects the freshness and potency of coca tea BEFORE it’s exported.
Our coca tea is guaranteed to be of the highest quality and freshness available on the market. We only work with the small farmers who ship directly to us.
When coca harvest is ready (usually 4 times per year), the leaves are hand picked, sun dried and prepared for export. The newly dried coca leaf flour is then packaged and instantly exported to our storage facilities in United States and Australia. Our coca products simply have no time to lay around in some hot warehouses waiting for several months (or years) to be exported or on sold to local buyers. FRESHNESS and QUALITY is our business. This is our guarantee to our customers.
Our ORGANIC COCA LEAF TEA is strictly selected, using only the highest quality leaves, hand-picked by the actual farmers in Peru and Bolivia.
Our HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANIC COCA TEA is made only from coca leaves that grow naturally in the Peruvian and Bolivian mountains.
Our coca is 100% ORGANIC, grown and cultivated without the use of chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides.
Grown in the WILD and tropical nature of Peru and Bolivia and delivered straight to your home for you to enjoy!
Highest Potency Coca
Freshest Quality Leaves
Raw & Organic
Super Food of The Ancient Incas
Unrefined Taste & Quality
Richest in Calcium For Strong Teeth & Bones
Packed With Minerals & Vitamins
14 Alkaloids That Work in Synergy For Optimal Well-Being
Cultivated in Mineral-Rich Mountains of Peru & Bolivia
Superior For Weight Loss
International Express Delivery Worldwide (4-5 Business Days)
Coca tea is a fine powder that was grounded from dried, whole coca leaves.
- Start by placing ONE TEASPOON (3-5 grams) of coca tea powder into a shot glass or a small glass jar.
- Add TWO SMALL PINCHES or 100 MILLIGRAMS of Sodium Bicarbonate to coca tea powder.
- Mix the coca tea powder and bi-carb soda together.
- Using a teaspoon, put the mixed coca tea powder in your mouth, under the tongue is best (careful not to breath in the fine powder).
- Do not swallow. Let the saliva slowly build up in your mouth until it is a moist wad.
- Sodium Bicarbonate is salty but is needed to activate the coca alkaloids otherwise the effects won’t work.
- Within 5-10 minutes, your tongue and gums will feel tingly and numb.
- Continue sucking and gently squeezing the coca leaf wad in your mouth for 30 minutes.
After 10-15 minutes of chewing and sucking the powder, you will feel INCREASED ENERGY and MENTAL FOCUS.
You can suck on the coca powder for about 30 minutes as they slowly dissolve in your mouth. After 30 minutes, you may swallow the leaves (it’s beneficial for health and I always swallow) as they dissolve, or you may spit out the remainder if you prefer.
Swallowing the leaves after chewing produces the MAXIMUM effect.
Coca’s energizing effects last for 2-3 hours. To produce more energy and to curb hunger pains for weight-loss, you can re-dose after 30 minutes.
Simply swallow half of the powder mixture in your mouth, leaving enough space for more coca powder with bi carb soda.
You will have a synergistic effect if you keep chewing more.
You can keep chewing coca for 1-3 hours at a time, the longer you chew, the bigger the energy hit and the more you delay hunger pains which is ideal for LOSING WEIGHT.
Don’t forget to drink some water if you get thirsty, you can always go back to chewing more after drinking.
How to Brew Coca Tea Powder:
- AeroPress coffee maker.
- 2 paper filters for AeroPress.
- 3 heaped teaspoons full of coca tea powder.
- 300 ml (one cup) of hot, but NEVER boiling water. Use spring or reverse osmosis water (not tap water).
- 2 Mugs, one big mug or glass jar for pressing, one for serving tea.
- 1/4 of teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate for better alkaloid extraction. Don’t use more than half a teaspoon or it will taste too salty.
- Assemble the AeroPress.
- Put coca tea powder and bi carb soda into the tube.
- Fill the tube with hot but NOT hot boiling water.
- Stir the tea for 20 seconds and let it steep for 5 minutes.
- Wet the rubber plunger BEFORE pressing coca tea (makes it easier to press).
- Press your tea.
We want to add more articles and information about coca tea, this website will keep being updated in the near future.
Coca tea goes along with my outlook on natural health and nutrition. Plenty more articles to come, please stay tuned.
There is also a Coca Leaf Tea FAQ page which will cover most questions about this ancient plant. If you would like us to answer any personal questions, please email us.
Please read through the FAQ page as it will cover many delicate topics about coca that took us many months of research while reading through numerous studies and medical journals.
By ordering directly from us, you will also save yourself a small fortune by making sure that when you buy from us, you will always be shipped the HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANIC COCA TEA.
To your health and success,
Is coca tea better than senna powder for weight loss?
Hi Elizabeth,
Coca tea burns glucose and free fatty acids for weight loss and energy production, senna leaf powder gives people diarrhea.
Can I lose 20 pounds with coca tea?? I need help.
thank you again for helping me and my community find coca tea in Sydney.
Kind regards, Josh
Hi Josh,
You are welcome mate.
How does coca tea compare to Ozempic for weight loss?? Or even coffee??
Hi George,
Coca tea is a natural weight loss supplement, Ozempic is a synthetic chemical that comes with a myriad of side effects.
Coffee and coca tea actually go well together to promote fat loss.
Any free samples of coca tea powder?? I am in the USA.
Hi Peter,
Sorry no free samples.