Coca Tea For ADHD, this is something that many people look for on a daily basis.
They want to quit taking toxic drugs such as Ritalin and amphetamines that doctors push on them because let’s face it, these drugs are horrible for the mind and body.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a chronic health condition that affects the brain and produces poor and very limited concentration, affecting impulses. It negatively affects children’s ability to learn at school and hinders interactions with others. Coca tea for ADHD treatment would be a wonderful, natural addition.
Many people are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD and are instantly prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate) or another strong and addictive amphetamine. I have personally tried these drugs myself several times, and they DO work. However, the side effects are really terrible, resulting in a nasty crash, headaches, migraines and insomnia.
Coca Tea For ADHD
As you can see, I was really wanting to find a real, NATURAL and healthy alternative that works. I was really excited about trying coca tea leaves and coca tea for ADHD.
The active alkaloids in coca leaves such as cocaine, which is a serotonin–nor-epinephrine–dopamine re-uptake inhibitor, works pretty much the same as Ritalin.
Low and behold, I got myself some coca tea powder and started chewing it with some sodium bicarbonate.
I felt the following after chewing coca tea for ADHD:
- I felt energized
- A clear-headed feeling of being focused
- The feeling of mental focus made me take on the most boring and labor intensive tasks at hand
- My brain fog was gone for well over an hour with a single dose, which was a heaped teaspoon of coca tea powder with bi carb soda
How Coca Tea Helps ADHD
In short, coca tea for ADHD was really working. I was excited because finally, I came across a real, NATURAL remedy for ADD/ADHD that seemed to work.
I can see why doctors do not prescribe coca tea to their patients, it directly competes with pharmaceutical drugs that never provide any real relief for their patients but make a lot of money for the Big Pharma industry and “modern” medicine.
If only people knew that there are natural and much safer options out there such as coca tea for ADHD and ADD, they would tell their psychiatrist to take a hike and choose coca rea for ADHD instead.
ADHD is a real problem in this world and will keep getting worse. Until there is more awareness about coca tea, very little will change. Please share this article with your loved ones and friends. It may just help someone you know.
You can visit our Coca Tea Express store today and buy coca tea online in United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.
To your health and success,
Hey guys, thanks for the article on ADHD, I had this since childhood, doctors pumped me full of dexamphetamine. I hated it. Tried coca tea and it made a huge difference for me.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your comment, that is awesome to hear!
Wish you best of health.
Kind regards,
Can someone tell me if you can ship coca tea to Canada? I am in Vancouver. Thanks.
Hi Janet,
Yes, we ship coca tea to Canada without any issues. The parcels will come from United States
Kind regards,
ADHD usually affects kids but many adults need it too. Coca leaves seem like a natural way to beat it.
Hi Sally,
Yes, coca leaves are a natural brain boosting energy food.
Pharmaceutical companies want to hide this fact.
Kind regards,
looking for coca leaf tea for medical purpose
Hi Rogelio,
Please visit our coca tea shop to make an order:
Kind regards,
Is coca tea harmless?
Hi Pauline,
After consuming coca tea for over 3000 years, people in South America would say YES.
No one has ever died from consuming coca tea.
Kind regards,
What about cocaine for ADHD? I realize coca is different though. Thanks.
Hi Sean,
Cocaine should be avoided as its not like coca tea, a natural substance.
Kind regards,
I had fun with Ritalin as a teen, it’s toxic though lol
Do you sell coca tea in bulk? 10 kg?
Hi Anton,
Yes, we do sell coca tea powder in 500 g, 1 kg and 5 kg parcels.
Email us via Contact us form.
Kind regards,
Thank you for the info on coca tea and ADHD.