What Are Coca Tea Effects Like? When you chew coca tea powder, it acts as a mild stimulant at low doses and a stronger stimulant at higher doses.
Coca tea also suppresses hunger pains, the feelings of thirst, headaches, muscular pain, lethargy and fatigue. In mountainous regions of Peru and Bolivia, consuming coca leaf stops altitude sickness. The act of coca chewing and drinking the coca tea is performed everyday by millions of people in Peru and Bolivia as well as other neighboring countries. Coca tea powder or coca flour is also used as a food supplement in breads and pastries and it is also added to wine and other liquors. Commercial soft drinks using coca flour as well as coca candy and other sweets are made using coca leaves.
Because coca tea leaf is a natural stimulant, it was used in the original formula of the Coca Cola soft drink. However, in 1903 it was removed and a decocainized coca extract was used instead.
Benefits of Coca Tea
Coca tea has many effects and health benefits. Here are some ways that you can benefit from this ancient plant from Peru.
- Coca tea powder and whole leaves offer a fast relief from the altitude sickness in high mountains of Peru and Bolivia. You can chew coca prior to arriving at high altitude or when the altitude illness is taking hold.
- Coca tea acts like a natural painkiller. The powder and whole coca leaves are excellent to stop headaches.
- Coca tea effects are also excellent for treating colds and flu. In fact, many people who chew coca tea powder regularly avoid colds and flu altogether.
- It’s been shown that coca leaves improve digestion, settle an upset stomach and regular chewing of coca tea can extend your life.
- Coca leaves have many beneficial vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and chlorophyll.
- Coca tea leaves increases physical energy naturally, they also increase the mental focus and make the person feel euphoric. In fact, when chewing coca tea, the effects of it make you feel like you can do anything. No task is too big or job too boring. Most workers and farmers in Peru and Bolivia chew coca leaves daily when working labour-intensive tasks.
Side Effects of Coca Tea
Officially, there are not many scientific research and studies done on coca leaves or coca tea powder. Therefore, we are not certain if there are any negative side effects at all associated with coca leaf. Millions of people in Peru and Bolivia chew coca tea everyday, some even consume up to 50 grams of coca leaves per day without any side effects. No one has died directly from coca and no one has been injured by coca. The only concern would be dental, however, this may be simply because people in Peru and Bolivia may have poor dental hygiene overall. I would also advise using sodium bicarbonate when chewing coca tea and avoid using llipta.
Llipta is an alkaline substance formed by a mixture of lime or ash of quinoa, that helps to extract the coca alkaloids. Llipta simply activates the coca tea alkaloids. It can also be abrasive to the teeth and gums. Sodium bicarbonate is a milder alternative to llipta. in fact, many people in Peru and Bolivia have switched to using bi carb soda instead of llipta. Sodium bicarbonate is cheap, effective and completely non-toxic. It’s also good for teeth and gums as it’s antimicrobial and promotes healthy teeth and gums. When combined with coca tea powder or whole leaves, bi carb soda helps to activate coca alkaloids while maintaining oral health.
Coca tea leaves are very effective at suppressing the appetite. For people who are anorexic or severely underweight, daily chewing of coca tea could make the problem worse. Coca also stimulates the central nervous system so when consumed in excess (chewing for more than 3-4 hours in one session) it could induce insomnia. It might take a person on average, 1-2 hours to fall asleep. What’s interesting to know is that altitude sickness also creates insomnia. Therefore, certain people can only sleep at very high altitude after drinking or chewing coca tea. Coca tea can both stimulate and relax the central nervous system, depending on the dosage.
It is generally not recommended to use coca tea leaves if you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), a heart condition or if you are pregnant. Always consult your medical doctor prior.
To your health and success,
Brilliant, cheers, I will bookmark you! I want to buy 1 kg of the best quality coca tea powder, preferably the one with full alkaloids coca leaves.
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