Coca tea chewing mistakes are common. Many people do not know how to enjoy the benefits of coca tea powder. This is very common and we are here to help you and guide you.
Coca Tea Chewing Mistakes
We will list some of the mistakes people make when trying coca tea products for the first time. It can be confusing and we are here to guide you on how to best use coca leaves.
The tradition of chewing coca leaves is an ancient practice and it has no link to the infamous drug cocaine. One is a drug and the other is a natural, ancient super food. When coca leaf powder is consumed in it’s natural form, it acts as a clean and healthy stimulant. Some people prefer making tisane or tea out of leaves and it is popular in Peru and Bolivia to drink it that way. However, when people really need a strong boost of energy and well-being or during intense labor, coca tea powder is best chewed. Therefore, one of the coca tea chewing mistakes is when it’s drunk as tea.
While most people call it “chewing”, the coca tea powder shouldn’t be actually chewed or grinded with teeth.
How To Use Coca Tea The Right Way
What one should do is mix 5 grams of coca leaf powder with 300-350 mg of sodium bicarbonate. The mixture of coca and bi carb soda should be placed under the tongue. It needs to stay there for 7-15 minutes. As the saliva builds up in the mouth and moistens the coca and bi carb, it will turn into a mouth numbing, and energizing dark green paste. This coca paste will not only make the mouth go numb, it will also release all the natural coca leaf alkaloids, minerals and vitamins inside the mouth. This is what will give the user an energy boost they desire from coca alkaloids.
This coca and bi carb paste needs to stay inside the mouth for at least 40 minutes. You will actually feel it working. You can swallow some of the saliva that accumulates inside the mouth, however, do not swallow the coca/bi carb paste.
If you swallow the coca paste too soon or before the 40 minute mark, the energy boosting effects will start to wear off faster.
You can always re-dose by adding another 5 grams of coca leaf powder along with 300 mg of sodium bicarbonate and placing it under the tongue. This will increase your energy levels and boost your mental focus even more, as the longer you “chew”, the more coca tea will keep you energized.
Use Only Food Grade Sodium Bicarbonate (NEVER Baking Soda)
Do not use baking soda. It contains a number of nasty chemicals such as anti caking agents and even aluminium. These substances are not only toxic to human body and completely not needed to activate the coca leaf alkaloids.
A simple food grade sodium bicarbonate will do just fine. Just make sure the ingredients state: “100% pure sodium bicarbonate”.
A word of caution. If you use more than 400 mg of bi carb soda per 5 grams of coca leaf powder, your mouth will become very salty and this can also slightly irritate sensitive tongue and gums. If you also tend to enjoy coca tea powder more than 4-5 times a day (5 grams per dose with 300 mg of bi carb soda) then your gums and tongue may become sensitive.
Simply stop chewing coca for 1-3 days and your mouth will heal quickly and easily. Everything inside the mouth heals usually within 1-2 days. Consuming small amounts of sodium bicarbonate on a daily basis is not a problem for most people but an excessive consumption can also promote a laxative effect on the stomach.
This is nothing to worry about either. Simply stop for 1-3 days and you will be fine. This is another one of the coca tea chewing mistakes, give it a break from constant consumption.
You can also make coca tea powder taste better. Here are some of my best ways to spice up your favorite South American leaf.
Best Methods To Chew Coca Leaf Powder
- Fresh or dried mint leaves. Add a few small mint or peppermint leaves once your mouth is already numb with coca leaves and bi carb soda.
- Place several Earl Grey flavoured black tea bags inside a container with your coca powder. After 24 hours, it will smell and taste like Earl Grey tea.
- Buy some organic mint leaf oil. Once you are already chewing coca, dab a small amount of mint oil on your pinky finger and touch the tip of your tongue. Fresh minty flavour will last for 15-20 minutes.
- You can also add a small amount stevia leaf powder or a quarter of a stevia tablet to your mouth once chewing coca. This will sweeten the coca paste inside your mouth for quiet a while.
Chewing coca tea powder produces more potent effects compared to chewing whole coca leaves.
When coca leaves are finely powdered, they cover a larger area inside the mouth where the alkaloids are absorbed into the gums.
This gives coca leaf users an even bigger energy boost and helps to curb the food cravings to promote weight loss.
We hope this article has helped you uncover some of the coca tea chewing mistakes.
If you have any questions about coca tea products, send us an email. We are always glad to help.
Thanks for posting this Alex. Good to know. I tend to binge chew coca leaf powder sometimes haha
Hello Coca Tea Express,
Can you recommend anything else besides sodium bicarbonate for chewing coca leaf powder?
Hello Thomas,
You can try making iipta, (burned ash and herbs).
Have a read:
calcium carbonate (Tums)
Tums is full of chemicals. I wouldn’t add it to coca tea while chewing.
Boiled and dried egg shells crushed into a powder in a coffee grinder then mortar and pestle. I added baking soda, dried peppermint leaves, and a little Bentonite clay. Apparently some companies are selling “de-cocainized” leaf that will not activate. 0 numbing.
Heya Alex and team,
How long do i need to hold the coca tea in my mouth for effects to last?
Hi Jessica,
You need to hold the coca tea and bi carb mix inside the mouth for at least 30-40 minutes.
Swallowing earlier will reduce the duration of the effects. You can re-dose though.
Don’t swallow until after at least 40 minutes or you can spit it out.
A new post bud? Good to see you are still blogging Alex.
Happy coca tea Sunday!!
Hello Alex,
Is there a way to make the coca tea powder and bi carb less salty and more sweet flavour??
Hey team, what is the longest one can chew coca tea powder?? Is 2 hours okay, redosing every 30 minutes?
Hi Jezza,
You can chew for 1-2 hours without any issues.
Take a break after, eat some food, drink some water.
Don’t do coke, chew coca tea powder instead 😎🥳
Hello Alex, good to see you posting new articles about coca tea. Keep up the good work.
I love having 3-4 beers and then chewing coca tea powder with bi carb soda, the euphoria I get is bliss. 😀
It lasts for an hour or so before I re-dose. Highly recommended!
Hello coca tea,
Can I use lemon juice to chew coca tea? Is that good?
No! Don’t use lemon juice, which is highly acidic. The alkaloids present in the coca powder require an alkaline environment in order for efficacious abosorption through the mucuous membranes of the mouth. This is why we use bicarbonate of soda, since it is a safe alkalising agent which assists in this process. Using lemon juice will reduce the effect of the coca powder.
I hope this helps 🙂
Yeah never use lemon or lime juice. It’s only bi carb soda.
Good point. It’s sodium bicarbonate or iipta. Don’t use lemon juice to chew coca leaves.
Lemon juice is acidic, and for coca tea powder you need something alkaline like bi carb soda. Just get the food grade one and don’t use too much or it’s salty as.
3X coca tea bags are my fave to chew with bi carbonate of soda. So green and earthy with a grassy flavor. I sometimes add mint.
I chewed on a leaf for the first time, of course not the right way, Now my mouth is burning. What should I do, or will it wear off?
How long is delivery to Oregon?
Hi Allen,
We deliver to Oregon, US within 3-4 days.
Thank you.