When you buy coca leaves in Australia from Coca Tea Express, we recommend chewing at least 1 teaspoon a day to feel the initial effects of coca tea. As you get more comfortable with coca’s effects, you will discover that it can be chewed or drunk as tea in much bigger quantities. From our experience with coca leaves in Australia, we recommend that each person should discover their own proper amount for extra energy and weight loss. Some people like to consume a small amount of coca leaves, even half a teaspoon is enough for them, while others do great with 5 teaspoons a day (2 in the morning and 3 after lunch or dinner.)
The main thing is to start small and build your coca dose up. This will help your body to gently adjust to this powerful medicinal food from Peru. When I first tried chewing coca leaves powder, I started with a heaped teaspoon and two pinches of sodium bicarbonate. I mixed bi-carb soda with coca tea powder and placed the whole teaspoon into my mouth. I was careful not to inhale the fine powder and not to talk for the next 5 minutes while my saliva started building up to soak up coca leaves powder. My whole mouth went numb after 7 minutes and I felt a nice jolt of energy as well as a feeling of absolute calm and well-being. I had the energy to do anything I wanted physically or mentally.
I ended up holding coca leaves powder in my mouth for the next 40 minutes and then once the leaves stopped giving me energy, I swallowed the green leafy mixture. This dose of coca tea was enough to give me energy for the next 2 hours. I could have taken another teaspoon right after but I felt energized and did not want to over do it.
It’s important to note that when you chew or drink coca tea, we have to increase our water intake, and it’s also a good idea to chew or drink coca tea AFTER a meal, not before. This is because coca leaves help to digest the food in the stomach.
Adding sodium bicarbonate to coca leaves when chewing is a must. Bi carb soda regulates our blood pH (makes it more alkaline which is good for overall health) and enhances the extraction of coca leaves alkaloids. According to recent study by Dr. Theobald Llosa, consuming coca leaves as tea can also have a similar effect, however, I have always found chewing coca tea as a much stronger alternative. In fact, I only chew the coca leaf powder these days.
And to most this is obvious advice, but because coca leaves are a meal of its own and is highly digestible and very concentrated in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, it is important not to abuse its effects. What I mean by this is, do not consume coca leaves instead of eating real food. It can lead to weight loss and if you already have low body weight, you can lose even more weight which can be detrimental for some people. Coca leaves tea is very effective at suppressing the appetite while boosting energy levels, hence why many overweight people will find it useful.
Coca leaves can be mixed with other foods. Just remember that if you combine coca tea with coffee, it will have a bigger impact and effect. You will have increased energy levels and caffeine along with coca with suppress your appetite and food cravings even more. Coca tea powder can be added to fruit or vegetable juices, soups, yogurt, plant milks, and protein drinks. You can also make medicinal coca tinctures and coca extracts using alcohol.
If you are one of the people who work long hours or do hard physical labour and need more energy to do their work, coca leaves can really help. You can put one heaped teaspoon of coca powder under the tongue or on the side of the mouth and wait for saliva to build up (usually 5-7 minutes is enough time to feel the coca leaves’ effects). You can swallow the juice build up after 15-20 minutes, but leave enough coca powder so you still feel the effects. Don’t forget to add sodium bicarbonate prior to chewing.
After 40 minutes you can swallow most of the saliva and coca powder, leave just enough so your mouth is still wet with saliva. Add another heaped teaspoon and you will feel an even bigger energy boost from coca leaves in Australia or United States, wherever you happen to be enjoying coca leaves.
You can order the freshest, most potent and organic coca leaves in Australia, United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe directly from our Coca Tea Express store.
To your health and success,
Hello, do you sell coca seeds ?
Hey Alex, my sincere thanks for this tea. I don’t drink coffee anymore, coca has enough energy and buzz. Champion. Much thanks.
Hi Darrell,
Glad to hear that you are enjoying coca tea.