When you talk to people about coca leaf tea, they always imagine it’s distant cousin and a controversial drug, cocaine. The fact is that coca leaf is a healing plant that grows naturally in Peru and Bolivia and has been drunk as tea and chewed for over 3000 years before it was turned into a purified drug that is cocaine. When coca leaf tea is consumed either by chewing coca or drinking as tea, it provides a number of many health benefits to the user.
Let’s see how many benefits coca leaf tea has.
Boosting energy levels naturally
When it comes to boosting natural energy levels, coca leaf tea is the number one natural supplement. In the olden days working long and hard days of labor was expected out of workers. When chewed with bi carb soda, coca leaf tea provides a steady, rise in energy that allowed workers to work hard and for very long hours. Today, coca leaf is still very popular with Peruvian and Bolivian miners, truck and bus drivers due to its energy-boosting effects that lost for several hours without the crash and burn effect of caffeine energy drinks or coffee.
American, Canadian, European, English and Australian truck drivers should take notice, you too can enjoy coca tea on long drives.
Controls appetite and hunger pains
Coca leaf tea stops hunger in it’s tracks while at the same time is very nutritious because it’s full of vitamins, minerals, plant protein and fiber. This is critical for workers in Peru and Bolivia who simply don’t have the money or time to consume breakfast, lunch and dinner. Coca leaf allows these workers to work hard and long hours without starvation or lack of energy from not eating food. Hunger pains are non-existent when chewing coca leaf tea. This is why it’s so beneficial for obese people to chew coca leaf, it will help them painlessly lose weight.
Coca leaf as a painkiller
Coca leaf numbs aches and pains and takes away the feelings of discomfort for those people who are tired and sore. Coca is a powerful local analgesic, but at the same time it stimulates the central nervous system. Many sources admit that Machu Pichu and other great cities around Peru and Bolivia were build because the workers were constantly chewing coca leaf tea. There is very little oxygen in these mountainous areas, without coca. high altitude sickness would have made it impossible for workers to do any physical work.
Cures altitude sickness
Altitude sickness is a horrible condition that affects any tourist that comes to Peru or Bolivia. The side effects include: headaches, shortness of breath, insomnia, no appetite, lethargy and nauseating feelings. Coca leaf tea is used by the the people of Peru and Bolivia to combat altitude sickness, they have been doing this for over 3000 years. Most hotels in the area provide coca tea to tourists and other travelers.
A source of vitamins and minerals
The coca tea offers a wide array of nutritional benefits. Coca packs a punch when it comes to essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, large amounts of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, and vitamin E and vital nutrients such as plant fiber and protein. Consuming coca leaf tea daily is the perfect way to address all your daily dietary needs without wasting money on useless synthetic vitamins that are difficult for our bodies to assimilate.
Coca tea aids digestion and soothes stomach aches
A fresh cup of coca leaf tea is an ideal and natural way to relief an upset stomach and constipation. This is especially important while on the go and traveling through remote areas in Peru and Bolivia where food hygiene might not be ideal. Even though coca can provide a fast relief, it’s important to drink clean water and in case of an emergency, see a medical doctor.
It’s been well established by the ancient healers of Peru and Bolivia that coca leaf is a very effective treatment for many aches and illnesses such as migraines, stomach ulcers, digestion issues, arthritis and nausea.
Coca leaf is a natural aphrodisiac that not only makes men sexually charged but it also helps men to last longer in bed.
Coca tea delays ejaculation, therefore men can enjoy longer sex sessions.
This healing Peruvian plant is said to also increase life expectancy in people who consume it daily. Now you can see why coca leaf tea has been praised and held in high regard as the sacred plant by the ancient Incas. Now thanks to CocaTeaExpress.com you too have a chance to experience coca tea for yourself and discover these amazing health benefits.
Our ORGANIC COCA TEA is shipped from United States and Australia which means you will get it FAST and with NO HASSLES FROM CUSTOMS, every single time.
This is our promise to you.
To your health and success,
How fast is shipping to California? I’ve never ordered coca tea before.
Express post 4-6 business days. Regular post is 8-10 days.
Cheers, Alex
Can you do a discount on 300 grams of triple strength coca?
Yes, email us via “Contact us” form. https://cocateaexpress.com/contact-us/
Do you ship to Canada?
Yes, we ship coca tea to Canada and US.
Hello do you sell coca seeds?
Hi David, currently we do not sell coca seeds.