Coca leaf powder and uses of it are legendary. Coca plant grows naturally in South America (Peru and Bolivia) and has for thousands of years was an important medicinal plant in the Andes and it’s people. Within coca leaf plant, there are two main strains, and they are: Erythroxylum coca var. Coca, and Erythroxylum coca var. Novogranatense.
Coca leaf is established as a main source of cocaine drug, and the plant grows up to three meters in height. Traditional coca plants are cultivated and harvested mostly in the lower regions of the Andes, however Erythroxylum coca var. Novogranatense can also be grown in neighbouring countries such as Colombia and Ecuador.
The people of Peru and Bolivia have used the coca leaf powder for thousands of years as medicine and as an energy boosting stimulant. Peruvian Indians used the coca powder to cure the effects of altitude sickness, to stop hunger, lethargy, headaches and nausea. Coca leaf powder and whole leaves were so important that they were used as a trade commodity between the people living in the lower regions and higher altitudes, where coca leaf is consumed to fight the altitude sickness.
What’s interesting to note is that fragments of coca leaf powder were discovered dating all the way back at least 6,000 years, and even ancient mummies discovered in tombs, buried with small bags of whole coca leaves. There were also pottery decorated with figurines showing the typical look of a cheek bulge chewing coca leaves.
Unfortunately, in the year of 1961, the United Nations Convention on Narcotic Drugs made coca illegal outside of South America. The only two countries where coca plant grows naturally, Peru and Bolivia, demanded that coca leaf remain legal because it has been used for thousands of years as medicine. This is where the majority of exported coca powder is now sourced across the world.
What complicates the entire coca leaf is that the leaves hold alkaloids that can be used to produce the drug cocaine. Cocaine is a powerful psychoactive drug that was discovered and purified by a German chemist, Albert Friedrich Emil Niemann in 1859. Normally, coca leaves are chewed or brewed into coca tea, which is also called, “Mate de Coca”. The people of Peru, including the Incas, prefer the chewing method which is called “acullico”. To chew coca leaves or coca tea powder, the user must combine the leaves with an alkaline substance such as llipta or sodium bicarbonate. Bi carb soda or llipta helps to extract coca leaf alkaloids from the plant fiber. Chewing coca leaf powder is much more effective as the absorption of the alkaloids when drinking coca tea is much slower and much of it is wasted or discarded with the spent leaves.
When you chew coca leaf powder in its whole, natural way, coca does not become addictive, physically or mentally, the coca tea drinker or coca chewer does not become dependent. If the person decides to stop consuming the leaves for a lengthy period of time, there is no withdrawal or cravings for coca. It’s good to know that coca leaf itself is used to get people off cocaine and crack. Therefore, coca tea is useful for treatment of recovering drugs addicts.
There were medical studies conducted in Bolivia to understand better how the coca leaf affects physical performance when the user is chewing coca leaves. The research showed that coca leaves block the pathway of glucose oxidation at the pyruvate dehydrogenase level. This results in the body making a switch to get it’s core energy production from fatty acids. This is a far more efficient source of natural energy especially during longer periods of low-level intensity, allowing coca users the energy to perform at a sustained level over lengthy periods of time. What is also interesting to note is that cocaine itself might have little to do with the energy derived from whole coca leaf powder. The sheer amount of pure cocaine absorbed while chewing is very little, this may confirm that it’s not the cocaine which provides the energy with coca leaves. Research points the finger at coca’s flavonoids which are found within the leaves as the driving force in energy boosting.
This is great news for the coca tea chewers and drinkers around the world who were concerned about the potential negative effects of cocaine while chewing coca leaf powder.
To buy the freshest and most potent Organic Coca Tea Powder on line, visit OUR STORE.
To your health and success,
Can you snort coca tea powder?
Hi Davey, I would advise not to snort coca tea powder, it would make you sneeze.
Just chew it with bi carb soda or make tea.