Scientists and doctors alike have been wondering if coca tea for weight loss & ADHD is effective. Let me share the following research on coca leaf and it’s effects on promoting weight loss and treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
To really understand and examine how beneficial coca tea is, let’s first see where this plant comes from and how it was used for thousands of years in South America. The native people of Peru and Bolivia have enjoyed the energy boosting benefits and healing effects of this plant. The Incas regarded coca leaves as sacred and medicinal, a gift from God. Many ceremonies, sacrifices and medicinal healing rituals were all conducted with the aid of coca leaves.
Coca Tea Offers Many Health Benefits
Coca leaves were so special and sacred that coca was only reserved to use by the royalty and high priests. As time went on, the common people in Peru and Bolivia were allowed to use coca tea and the leaves as a natural treatment for fighting headaches, tooth aches, fatigue, altitude sickness, malaria and hunger pains.
If you analyze the coca leaf itself, you will notice that it contains a large number of different, natural compounds, vitamins and minerals. However, what makes it work so well are primarily the naturally occurring coca alkaloids. They are: cocaine, cinnamoylcocaine, benzoylecgonine, methylecgonine, pseudotropine, benzoyltropine, tropacocaine, truxilline, hygrine, cuscohygrine and even nicotine.
Processed drugs like cocaine only contain one alkaloid, which is cocaine and in large quantities.
This is why it’s vital to understand that the coca leaves themselves posses very small amounts and percentages of these alkaloids. Furthermore, vitamins, minerals, tannins and flavonoids add to the health benefits of coca tea consumption on a regular basis. Coca tea for weight loss & ADHD has a lot of potential. Coca tea is non addictive even when used on a daily basis. The coca tea user can stop and quit at any point in time.
There are many health benefits when it comes to coca tea consumption, be it chewing the leaf powder or sipping coca tea. It is a wonderful, natural stimulant which boosts energy, increases focus and fights lethargy and fatigue. Coca tea powder can easily replace the need for coffee, black tea, caffeine pills and even many dangerous synthetic amphetamines.
Natural Pain Relief And Analgesic Properties
It has been long established that coca leaves are a potent analgesic and offer pain relief. Just try chewing some coca leaf powder with baking soda and your mouth will go temporarily numb. This is one of the many reasons it was used as a pain-relief medicine by the people of Peru and Bolivia. From toothaches, to migraines, headaches and other ailments, coca leaf was used effectively to self medicate.
Best of all, it treats inflammation inside the body. This can help with healing a large number of health conditions. Again, the naturally occurring coca leaf alkaloids produce these health beneficial anti-inflammatory effects.

Coca Tea Helps With Weight Loss
For millions of people worldwide losing weight and becoming slim has become of utmost importance. Obesity and weight gain is the leading cause of illness and mortality in the world today. More people than ever are doing their best to lose weight naturally. Its great to know that coca tea can help lose weight and keep it off.
Coca leaves are wonderful for promoting weight loss by boosting metabolism and suppressing the appetite and food cravings. This is what makes coca tea such a potent fat burner. Coca tea for weight loss & ADHD can be of significant help to people.
The naturally occurring coca leaf alkaloids increase the user’s metabolism. With the aid of coca tea the weight loss is further promoted by the body’s ability to burn glucose and free fatty acids. And because the hunger pains go away naturally while chewing or drinking coca leaf products, the person does not feel the need to eat excess calories. This helps to lose even more weight.
There was a number of scientific studies carried out with coca leaves. A study by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology discovered that an extract from coca leaf has promoted weight loss, particularly fat loss in rats fed a high-fat diet. This is great news for coca tea lovers as far as burning fat and weight loss goes.
How Does Coca Tea Compare With Diet Pills
It is always a good idea to compare how coca tea is more effective than conventional diet pills and pharmaceutical appetite suppressants. It is true that there are numerous dieting drugs and pills in your local pharmacy, what you must be aware of is that these tablets and pills always come with serious and nasty side effects. This is because most often they are synthetic and chemically processed. Many of these diet pills are simply dangerous.
Coca leaf on the other hand is a natural product, it has been used by humans for thousands of years. When consumed in it’s natural form, coca leaf offers many weight loss benefits without the dangerous side effects. What’s more important is that coca tea is very effective for boosting energy and fat burning. It also promotes the feelings of well-being. Coca tea for weight loss & ADHD is a completely natural substance,
Coca Tea For ADHD
People who suffer from health conditions such as attention deficit disorders (ADD and ADHD) have a hard time concentrating, learning and paying attention in schools and universities. It mostly affects young boys and men and is usually linked to poor diet and bad lifestyle habits. Scientific and medical research thinks that coca tea is beneficial for treating ADD and ADHD symptoms and causes. It helps with increasing cognitive abilities, focus and concentration.
All thanks to the naturally occurring coca leaf alkaloids found in coca tea. These alkaloids stimulate the central nervous system and the brain. It directly enhances focus, concentration, and boosts cognitive function in ADHD and ADD patients.
There was an important study conducted by the Neuropsychopharmacology. It was researching the potential effects of chewing coca leaves on cognitive abilities in attention deficit disorder patients. The study found that those patients who were chewing coca leaf powder had an improved attention and cognitive abilities compared to those who did not consume coca tea.
This highlights the well-established benefits of coca tea in treating ADD and ADHD symptoms in patients. Coca tea for weight loss & ADHD needs to be studied more to offer health benefits for those who need it.
How Do Coca Leaves Compare With ADHD Drugs?
Today, the most common way to treat ADD and ADHD is with pharmaceutical stimulants. Stimultants are prescribed by a doctor. While some of these medications can be effective, they do come with a long list of harmful side effects. Not only are they bad for the heart but pharmaceutical stimulants promote insomnia, anxiety, headaches and many patients also can potentially abuse these substances.
On the other hand, coca tea products such as tea bags and leaf powder provide a natural way to treat attention deficit disorders without harming the patient. More research is needed. It’s best to try a natural approach first before resorting to pharmaceutical substances.
To your health and success,
Alex and team