Benefits of coca tea and its use has been well observed by the ancient people of Peru and Bolivia for over 3000 years.
Coca tea is made by combining the dry leaves of the coca plant and hot water in a cup. This creates an infusion of energy-boosting coca alkaloids (there are 14 alkaloids).
They all work together to boost energy, stop headaches, stop hunger and promote weight-loss. Another term for coca tea is mate de coca. This tea is green to yellow in color and tastes very similar to green tea.
Along with energetic coca alkaloids, coca leaf tea is also full of many beneficial nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and a host of B vitamins for energy production.
Benefits of Coca Tea
Coca tea is very beneficial for many illnesses and medical conditions. Those suffering from high altitude sickness, stomach problems and tiredness will greatly benefit from coca leaf tea. For those people who have re-occurring colds and flus, obesity and chronic constipation coca tea will be of great help. And finally, people who experience indigestion, suffer from diabetes, high/low blood pressure and high cholesterol will find relief thanks to coca leaves.
Coca Leaves Boost Natural Energy
This tea is highly regarded first and foremost as a natural stimulant that gently provides an energy kick to those who need it. For those who suffer from chronic fatigue, narcolepsy or tiredness in general this potent drink can significantly boost your energy levels and wakefulness. And unlike coffee, you will not suffer from insomnia. Benefits of coca tea are far and wide.
Promotes Weight-Loss
By chewing coca tea powder, it directly suppresses the appetite and junk food cravings. This is highly beneficial for those who are trying to burn fat and lose weight. On top of that, the broad range of B vitamins found naturally in coca tea leaves have been shown to boost the metabolism. A fast metabolism increases the body’s natural weight-loss ability. In short, coca tea helps people eat less and burn more fat and calories during their day. Weight-loss and fat burning are the true benefits of coca tea.
Coca Tea Powder Benefits Digestion
For thousands of years, coca tea was used to settle any stomach aches and pains. The Incas would chew the leaves to sooth a sore stomach, alleviate cramping, bloating and period pain. Many people would just simply drink coca tea. Coca leaves can stop headaches, nausea, tooth aches, vomiting, as well as diarrhea which helps the body to stay hydrated. The many benefits of coca tea.
Natural Diabetes Medicine
Thanks to many minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium and magnesium, coca leaf tea is highly beneficial for regulating healthy blood sugar levels. Before using coca tea to fight diabetes, please check with your health-care professional.
Boosts Immune System
Research has shown that those who consume coca tea on a regular basis tend to have fewer colds and flu. This is largely due to the many alkaloids and natural vitamins found in the leaves. Benefits of coca tea are abundant. Antioxidant properties of vitamin C, in coca leaves, boost the production of white blood cells that help to stop and prevent infections inside the body.
Coca Tea Leaves Adaptogen Benefits
Sick with altitude sickness high in the Andes? You need coca tea. Living in the mountainous regions of Peru and Bolivia, the locals have adapted to using coca leaves to fight the nasty effects of this health condition. If you don’t want headaches, nausea, puking your guts or lethargy, then you can either take a pharmaceutical drug called Diamox or simply chew or drink coca tea. Coca leaves help people to adjust to high elevation and stop the nasty side effects. Benefits of coca tea are just getting better and better.
Stops Cocaine Addiction
Coca leaves stop cravings associated with cocaine addiction. Chewing coca tea powder helps the addicts to gradually break the cocaine habit once and for all. Cocaine tolerance can develop when users consume the drug on a regular basis. Coca tea exhibits none of these addictive effects on the tea drinker or coca leaf chewer.
To get the full benefits of coca tea, visit our shop today! We look forward to serving you.
I need to lose 20 pounds for summer man, do you think I can do it with coca tea? How long will it take?
Time to get shredded, summer almost here. 😀
Thanks for posting this mate. It’s mind boggling how many uses coca has.
Thanks Thomas,